Must knows for any top Graphic Designer
If you want to become a top graphic designer and efficient at printing your work you need to have the design fundamentals down to
a science. You will learn here the 'must
knows' for any serious graphic designer
or art printing expert. The basic elements that any graphic designer needs to know starts
with understanding color, shape, line, space, scale, value and texture. These pieces are essential to have at least
some understanding about and they make up any graphic design work. The
color of designs impact the mood, while line quality effects setting. The scale and size of objects effect the
design's balance and weight. Use of
white space gives the design some breathing room while texture can bring realism
to your design. When you embark on a graphic design printing piece, you really are making a piece of art. Keep in mind you are communicating a message
directly to the viewer of your design work.